Quick post here. I woke up this morning and went out to my car to get all the necessary insurance stuff to transfer the car to me and I saw the BIGGEST bug I have EVER seen. Ew. There are a lot of bugs here, and I have had to take care of a few in my apartment, and thankfully this one was outside, but still, I cannot even believe the size of it! I am so squeamish. I now realize that in the picture, the bug does not look big, but trust, me, it is. It is still sitting on the steps, as a matter of fact.
Oh yeah, in other news, I felt my first earthquake last night. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/08/09/japan.earthquake/index.html
I was just sitting in my apt and then it felt like it was shaking, almost like there were really high winds or something. I figured I was nuts, but I turned off the fan and the music and just sat there and watched the curtains rocking back and forth of their own volition. I did confirm this morning that I am not crazy. The earthquake hit off the coast, but apparently the tremors can really travel! And so they do. It was about 30 seconds, and a very bizarre sensation.
Gaah! I have little flying gnat bugs that are infesting my sink and bathtub at the moment, but they're not that big... ew.
ReplyDeleteEarthquakes are crazy, huh? I woke up to one once, but then figured it was a dream because I was only half awake. Turns out it was pretty big and that I am capable of sleeping through not only fire alarms (as previously thought) but earthquakes as well. Everyone in class was talking about it when I went to school so I eventually learned that it was real.
ReplyDeleteOh, and speaking of earthquakes, aparantly Tokyo gets one that destroys the city every 100 years and they're overdue now. (That's what they told us at our orientation - and why we needed to have cell phones with us, just incase... way to make us feel safe and at home, right?)
But, you're not in Tokyo so you'll be fine, I'm sure. But keep your keitai on your person just in case, no?
The bug is a Japanese Rhinocerous Beetle and they breed them to fight and they sell them at hardware stores. Thank you wikipedia. Anyway, they only live about 4 months and die in September/October so you will only have him as a neighbor for a month or so.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that bug is HUGE!
ReplyDeleteI would be afraid to even walk down those steps! You are brave!
ReplyDeleteYIKES!!!Take one of your many shoes and smash that thing! CRUNCH!!! insert cringe here! ;0)