Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paper dolls and 2nd year boys

[Some complaints that I don't blog enough have made it all the way to me in Japan, so here is one to tide you over until I actually have something to write about. warning, this is not that interesting, but might be funny for some. I was certainly an enjoyable class for me]

What happens when you give 2nd year students paper dolls? You learn a lot of things about the class! For example, you learn that some boys like clothes and dressing dolls up just as much as girls. You also learn that every class has a thief or two.

Let's go back about 48 hours hours for a moment. I was asked on Monday to come up with an activity to help the 2nd years practice the shopping conversation on Wednesday. The "shopping conversation" is just what you'd expect. Going into a store and asking for a specific item in a certain color or size; asking to try it on; asking the price, etc. So I thought about it, and I ended up making sets of paper dolls! Each group got a doll and they had to follow the shopping list I provided and "buy" clothes for their doll from either me or the JTE. The catch was that sometimes the clothes we showed them were too big or too small, so they would have to ask to tr it on and then say "do you have a bigger/smaller one." Also, sometimes we would say an absolutely ridiculous price for an item, like a hat costing $5,000, so they would have to ask for a cheaper one.

I went to class feeling a little nervous with two possible scenarios running through my head: 1) everyone would be sitting there thinking "does she think we are elementary school children? This is B-ORING!" or 2) the girls would have a blast dressing up the dolls and the boys would be thinking something along the lines of "wtf is this?"

I did not anticipate that things would turn out how they did. In actuality, everyone seemed to have fun, but the boys especially! The groups divided up who would come and do the "shopping" and just sort of went for it. Of course, the JTE and I had a good time giving them a hard time with sizes and prices, so I think it was really fun all around!!

Some memorable moments from class:
(As you read, keep in mind that they speak with accents, so it's not as perfect as written... they are really good though)

A group of boys comes up to me and they need to buy a skirt.
I say, "May I help you?"
Student, "No, I'm just looking."
(he sorts through the paper clothes on my desk and picks up a skirt. Then he walks away with said skirt!)
Me " DOROBOU!" (meaning, THIEF!)
Another student says to the one with the skirt "Nigete, hayaku!" (meaning, run away, fast!)
Different group of boys comes up to me and they need a hat.
Me "May I help you?"
Student "I'm looking for a black hat."
Me "How about this one?"
Student "It's nice. How much is it?"
Me "It's $6,500."
Student "That's too expensive! Do you have a cheaper one?"
Me "No. Sorry! But I'm in a good mood today, so it's $5.00"
Student " OH discount! I'll take it!"
Later, with the same students who got the black hat, this time they need a jacket
Student "How much is it?"
Me "It's $10,000."
Student "Do you have a cheaper one?"
Me "No, sorry!"
Student "Discount? Good mood?"
Me "No, sorry."
Different student in group "It's ok. I have much money. I'll take it."

Alright, so ends this potentially boring or potentially interesting blog entry. Posts to possibly look forward to (if I'm not too lazy): graduation, teacher trip, and Japanese driver's test.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute! Also - appropriate to talk about dolls on hinamatsuri!
    Hinamatsuri omedetou!
