Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Melody Line

I do not know about America, but it seems that around Japan there are roads that have songs carved in them!  I heard about these about two weeks ago and then about a week ago we were adventuring in Gunma Prefecture and we happened upon one!  It is amazing.  You know those lines they carve to wake you ( as in people, not you as in YOU) up when you swerve out of your lane?  Well, take that concept and make the lines carved into the whole lane and then space them just right and you get this: (you may need to turn up the volume on your computer)

Yeah, I need to not giggle and make dumb comments in my videos.  oh well.

PS.  HAPPY JUNE! Says I from under a blanket.  Crazy.  It is still really chilly here.  Yeah, yeah, I will complain when it is Sooooooooooooooo hot and sweaty and blah blah, but right now I am complaining about needing sweaters even though it is June.