Sunday, August 16, 2009

My goals for Japan

In several of the sessions at Tokyo orientation and at Nagano orientation, we were told that it is a good idea to set some goals for while you are in Japan. I decided to try to do that, and I decided to post them for a few reasons: (1) you all will know that I did, in fact, make some goals! (2) Everyone who reads my goals will be able to ask if I have reached them, and that will help keep me on track. (3) I just like to post to my blog! :)

So, here are some of my goals:
  1. Climb Mt. Fuji
  2. Pass level 4 (the easiest) of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) this December
  3. Go to Tokyo Disney
  4. Wear a kimono/yukata (summer verison of kimono, I think) at some point for a festival(perhaps purchase one!)
  5. Sub-goal: Actually learn how to put on a kimono/yukata
  6. See the snow monkeys
  7. Really make an effort to speak Japanese with people
  8. Get my students excited about English, but also about languages in general.
  9. Try karate and/or kendo.
  10. Try taiko (the traditional drumming)
  11. Karaoke- I want to sing a Japanese song, like, in Japanese. Also, Bohemian Rhapsody could be pretty fun, and Livin' on a Prayer
  12. Go to an onsen (if you are unaware, these are the hot springs, and you go in naked)
  13. Visit Okinawa
  14. Travel around Japan in general: Osaka, Kyoto, more in Tokyo, Hokkaido...
  15. Get to know Iiyama and Nagano prefecture
  16. Become a regular at some of the izakayas in Iiyama and actually talk to the owners. (izakaya= smallish drinking pub of sorts)
  17. Pass the Japanese driving test.
  18. Learn to ski, and try to enjoy skiing.
Ok, I think that is good for now. I may add some more as I think of them.


  1. Just remember not to complete number 3 without me... ;D

  2. woo hoo #11! i can help you with that :D

    the good thing is most japanese karaoke systems show the yomigana over the kanji, so you don't have to know how to read the kanji, just the hiragana over it ;)

  3. Love it! Take lots of pictures of #3 and #4/5 (that one will be awesome!)
