Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I go to a lot of concerts.

In case you were unaware, I have been to quite a few concerts since I came to Japan.  I posted about a few of them a while back, but the concert going adventures have continued since, and will continue until at least March.

Since that post oh so long ago, there have been a few more Tegomasu concerts, a KinKi Kids concert...and ARASHI!

ARASHI!  ARASHI!  You know, that J-Pop group I absolutely adore.  If you recall, I was lucky enough to get tickets (it's a lottery system...you put your name in and it is all luck after that).  Not only did I get tickets, but they were relatively decent tickets!  I mean, we could have been waaaaay up in the stands, but we were not.  We went to Nagoya for this concert.  It was me, Crystal, and Kim.

Pretty much, they sang some old and some new, not that any of you know their songs (but my mom insisted that I post about concerts for some reason), but they sang a lot of my favorites, even though they are older.  And they danced.  And they talked.  And they smiled.

I also got incredibly lucky and at the end of the concert, as people from the arena were leaving, this super super super nice lady gave me a streamer and two of the little foam ties that they shoot out at the audience (only arena seats really ever get them).  Anyway, it was amazing. 

And just to confirm for you that I am crazy, here is what I wore to the concert:

Ok, now let me explain.  There are 5 members in Arashi.  Each has his own color.  The guy I like (Matsumoto Jun) is purple, so...  And Kim likes Nino who does commercials for Mario 3DS, hence the mario outfit.  If you look at her hat, though, you will see a fabulous "N" made by yours truly.  I should note that our outfits are tame, boring, even, compared to what some girls wear!

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