Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday, June 6

Wednesday...hump day.

Another relatively unexciting day.

I had 3 classes.

The first class I ended up teaching alone because the JTE was not feeling well.  he came in at the end, but did not really do anything, so...  what was interesting about this is this particular class of first years is usually loud and hard to manage, but with just me, they were angels!  I don't know why, but they listened to me, and even enjoyed the class, I think.  I did a word search, which you think would not be that fun, but they were really into it.  It was their first time doing a word search, so that could be part of it.  Either way, I was happy with them.  for the last 15 minutes of class, I taught them hangman, which also went really well.  It was funny, though, because to explain it, I just sort of start a game and let them figure out the rules themselves and finally one kid got this expression and then shouted out "OH!  So we want to SAVE the person!!!"  It was hilarious, and he was essentially right.  So now I have change the name of the game to the equivalent of "save the person" game. 

Since we are on the topic of hangman and I have nothing else to really talk about in this blog entry, I will tell you a story.  One time, an ALT played hangman in his class and some of the kids wrote down the gallows thing and the dead person.  And then one of the kids decided hanging himself would be a good way to commit suicide, so he did.  And the parents of the kid found these random English class notes with people hanging and talked to the school and sued the ALT for giving their son the idea.  true story.  Anyway, I like hangman, but I always have to be really really careful to emphasize that it's just a game, just for fun.  sometimes i hang a teddy bear instead of a person, just to be extra safe.

In other news, nothing else really happened!

We celebrated Megan's birthday after work with Korean food and ice cream cake.  Those of you friends with me on facebook, can also watch the video and enjoy the fact that the chicken dance was also a part of the celebrations.

There was also a sing along to Disney's "Be a Man" from Mulan, probably due to the fact that 5 of us ate an entire ice cream cake.

the end.

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